production materials

Our company works with a wide range of brass alloys, with a strong commitment to sustainability, safety and the well-being of people. In addition to classic alloys such as CW614N, CW617N and CW602N, we stand out for the know-how acquired over years of experience in the use of alloys free of or with very low lead content. These materials are ideal for the transport of drinking water, where health and safety regulations are becoming increasingly stringent. Among these alloys, CW511L stands out, with a lead content of less than 0.2% or 0.1% depending on the needs, and approved by the international standards NSF/ANSI 372 and NSF/ANSI 61, essential to ensure compliance with the requirements of the US market.
The CW510L and CW724R alloys are both perfect for drinking water systems thanks to their compliance with the most recent regulations. In particular, CW724R stands out for its high resistance to intercrystalline corrosion and dezincification, making it ideal even for aggressive environments.
We also offer innovative materials for bronze alloys. Among these, the RG+ alloy, with a lead content of less than 0.1%, represents an optimal choice for applications in the transport of drinking water, ensuring safety, quality and sustainability.
These materials not only meet the most stringent technical requirements, but actively contribute to the well-being of people, promoting responsible management of water resources and an approach that protects health and the environment.
– CW617N-DW (CuZn40Pb2)
– CW614N (CuZn39Pb3)
– CW602N (CuZn36Pb2As)
Low lead brass
– CW511L (CuZn38As) con Pb max 0.2%
– CW510L (CuZn42) Con Pb max 0.2%
Lead-free brass
– CW511L (CuZn38As) con Pb max 0.1%
– CW727R (CuZn35Sn1P)
– CW724R (CuZn21Si3P)
– eZeebrass

– CC491K (CuSn5Zn5Pb5-C)
– CC499K (CuSn5Zn5Pb2-C)
Lead-free bronze
– RG+ (CuSn4Zn2PS-C)
Brass quotation
Base price_ € 7,030.00
Metal value _ € 9,340.00
Base price_ € 7,030.00
Metal value _ € 9,340.00